Arrangementer i Tromsø 2020: Stille Konstellasjoner Torsdag 13. februar kl 18.30 til ca kl 22. Påmelding: steffenrsvendsen@ Pris: kr 300 Facilatør: Steffen Andreas Rostock Svendsen. Sted: Kysten, Strandvegen 95 (se mer under arrangementer) *********** Video from Family Constellation seminar in Oslo March 2014:
Interview with Gerhard Walper at Unity center in Oslo 13. March 2014 about what is familyconstellation:
(dobble click to get bigger picture)
About the film Reconstructing Utøya, see our homepage: Trailer: Reconstructing Utøya has received many fine reviews all over Europe: "Berlin Hidden Gem: 'Reconstructing Utoya' Re-creates Tragedy to Find Closure." - Hollywood Reporter - It’s an upsetting and highly compelling film that couldn’t ever be classified as easy to watch, and yet the documentary is never exploitative, and has a strong sense of hopefulness, of assimilating the pain of the past and embracing the future. - Theupcoming, England - "Now my tears are coming, but they are tears of reconciliation. I’m not the only one in the audience to be moved. To me, this filmmaking method has provided the most powerful, authentic stories about how it felt on that day of sorrow. If you can only bear to watch one film about Utøya, I strongly recommend watching this one. This documentary is a success, through what the youths have achieved both with and for each other." - Ellen Lande, Modern Times - Intervju med filmens regissør Carl Javer på NRK.Radio: Vi har fått gode anmeldelser og fine tilbakemeldinger på Rekonstruksjon Utøya fra publikum i Skandinavia, på den Internasjonale filmfestivalen i Berlin og den internasjonale traumekonferansen i Rotterdam og mange andre festivaler. I Berlin ble den kåret av kritikerne til den femte beste av alle nye filmer i 2018 og i programmet; Generation, Giving the Oppressed a Voice, som den nest beste. I Sverige fikk filmen pris med to Guldbaggar som beste dokumentar og med best regi i 2018. ************ «Nå har jeg byttet ut mine umiddelbare 22. juli assosiasjoner, nå er det de fine ungdommene og deres kamp jeg ser. Det er veldig fint.» «En hjertevarm film som bør bli obligatorisk i videregående skoler og for alle som arbeider med mennesket! Nå føler jeg at det som skjedde på Utøya angår meg på en nær og faktisk god måte. Jeg føler at Utøya har blitt en del av mitt liv også. På en konstruktiv måte. En uforglemmelig film» Om filmen Rekonstruksjon Utøya: Rekonstruksjon Utøya er en dokumentar om fire unge overlevende fra Utøya som gjenforteller sin historie. Vi filmet både rekonstruksjonene og prosessen, over to uker på filmcamp i Målselv i Nord Norge våren 2017. Mange sier de opplever filmen som varm, nær og ekte, en viktig dokumenter spesielt for ungdommen, men også for oss andre. Angrepet på ungdommene på Utøya berørte en hel nasjon. De unge i filmen er enestående flotte og modige, og gjør en innsats for oss alle! Min rolle som psykolog i filmen var å i vareta alle involverte og prosessene i filminnspillingen - før, under og etter. Se filmens hjemmeside: Anmeldelse og intervju i VG: ************** Velkommen til min hjemmeside Wayhome!til konstellasjoner, kreativitet og nærvær - til veien hjem. Jeg er utdannet psykolog fra Oslo i 1992, med en voksenklinisk spesialitet. Kunstterapiutdannelse har jeg fra Sattva i Tromsø med Johan Jensen og Norunn Falck. Min trening og utdannelse i familiekonstellasjon er fra Bert og Sophie Hellinger i Tyskland samt Tore Kval i Tromsø. En trening i kroppsorientert traumetilnærming tok jeg hos Karen Margrethe Sæbø. Til en meditative praksis, Dzogchen, har Vækstcenteret i Danmark med Jes Bertelsen og senterets andre undervisere vært en kilde til inspirasjon i mange år. De siste årene spesielt Karsten Fredriksen. Mindfulnessinstruktørutdannelse har jeg fra Scandinavian Center For Awerness Training hos Andries J. Kroese. Som menneske, psykolog, kroppsorientert kunstterapeut, familiekonstellatør og mindfulnessinstruktør, har jeg vært opptatt av det som fører sammen og gir en opplevelse av mening, samhørighet, våkenhet og nærvær. Det som støtter bevegelsen til å komme hjem til seg selv, til møtet med andre og verden. Veien hjem kan være gledesfylt og farverik, men også utfordrende og smertefull. Hvordan kan vi støtte oss selv og hverandre når fjellet og smerten synes uoverstigelig? Hva trenger vi? Er det mulig med støtte å kikke inn i mørket, og la det tunge danse med det lette? Som leken og dansen med en påfuglfjær.. Er det veier, metoder og veiledere der for oss? Med familekonstellasjoner, kreative metoder og oppmerksomt nærvær leter vi etter ressurser og det som fører sammen. Hva renser, styrker og gir retning? Vi kikker på med vennlighet det som ligger bak, som er fortrengt og uforløst. Hvordan kan det adskilte forenes, det utestengte inkluderes? Kanskje er det gammelt, hører til en annen tid. Kroppen og symptomer sier i fra, men kan kanskje bli en venn med viktig informasjon. Hvor i kroppen er det godt å være? Har fortellingene våre en plass i kroppen? Med kunstterapi anvendes kreative metoder for å skape kontakt med og gi utrykk for det innestengte eller uforløste. Med konstellasjoner settes lys på skjulte, ofte gamle dynamikker. Med vennlighet prøver vi å inkludere det i oss eller i familiesystemet som trenger vår oppmerksomhet og kjærlighet. Med åpent hjerte og frigjort energi kan vi lettere leve våre egne liv i samhørighet med alt i og rundt oss. Mitt yrkesliv inneholder 30 års erfaring med psykisk helsearbeid fra psykiatrien, helsetilsynet, traume-, volds- og flyktningefeltet fra RVTS i Tromsø, samt fra 2003 med hjelpere i Palestina i samarbeid med palestinsk røde halvmåne. Fra 2015 har jeg jobbet med familie- og parterapi på Familievernkontoret i Tromsø. Fra 2017 har jeg også jobbet med film; dokumentaren Rekonstruksjon Utøya. Fra 2008 har jeg holdt familiekonstellasjonskvelder og kurs i Troms, Østerrike, Kroatia, Hellas, USA, Palestina og Israel. Etter mange års egenerfaring i hjelperollen, har hjelperollen blitt viktig i mange kurs, foredrag og utdannelsesforløp jeg har holdt i Norge, Sverige, Kroatia og Palestina. Hjelperollen har en meningsfylde og kan samtidig være belastende. Det har for meg vært nødvendig med pauser i mitt arbeid som hjelper som har gitt mulighet for se inn i dynamikker og å reflektere over de psykologiske, emosjonelle prosesser som arbeidet har satt i sving i mitt profesjonelle og private liv. På bakgrunn av all trening og utdannelse, erfaringene fra eget og andres liv tilbyr jeg familiekonstellasjonskvelder og -kurs samt et hjelp til hjelperkurs, et leirbål, med veiledning og undervisning og foredrag. I tillegg kan jeg arrangere workshop med internasjonale kursholdere i stille familiekonstellasjon. Fokuset i hjelp til hjelperkurset og veiledningen er i tillegg til spesifikke behov på arbeidsplassen, selvutvikling med oppmerksomt vennlig nærvær til egne reaksjoner og behov. Hvordan kan vi finne vår pause, mellomrommet, der vi kan spenne av og finne kraften vi trenger? Hvor er vårt leirbål, der vi kan dele reaksjoner og følelser som vi har lagt tilside? Vi kikker inn i det som trenger å få plass og utrykkes. Metodene og øvelsene hentes fra de etterhvert mange erfaringsområder og veier jeg selv har gått, i terapi, selvutvikling og en indre praksis, som beskrives nærmere under kurstilbud. Viktige mennesker jeg har lært av og har møtt og som har vist meg sin vei, er min lærer Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, Johan Jensen, Jes Bertelsen og Bert Hellinger. Takk til min familie, mor og far, for den støtten og kjærligheten de har vist og er. ************* TILBUD 2024:
For spesielt interesserte, en times gratis foredrag med tema; "Hjelperollens gleder og dilemmaer". Foredraget omhandler de utfordringer og gleder det er å skulle være på giversiden, en hjelper, i ulike roller og sammenhenger. Om det å føle seg på strekk. Bli utmattet. Gleden i å se vår innsats og bidrag føre til endring. Hva er dynamikkene i hjelperollen? Hva kan vi møte utfordringene med? Hva styrker oss? Timen inneholder undervisning og dialog. Ta kontakt på email: [email protected] Daily Meditations
by Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov 4. April 2021: A seed that has been planted in the ground is just like a creature that has been placed in a tomb. When the angel of warmth appears, it awakens the seed, caresses it and says, "Go on, get up now and leave the this tomb". And behold! The life that was buried begins to stir. A tiny shot splits the seed in two and forces its way above ground, giving birth to a stem that will one day grow into a magnificent tree. However, there can be no resurrection unless the tomb is opened and only warmth - that is, love - is capable of opening tombs. Those whose hearts are full of love, of selfless, spiritual love, open the tombs of their cells. People have so many cells that are fermenting and falling apart! Indeed, thousands of tiny tombs need to be opened. As long as these cells are not animated and revitalized, they remain dormant, and human beings cannot fathom the inner wealth they possess. But once this resurrection has taken place, once their cells have been awakened, they will no longer be the same, for their consciousness will have expanded. Through everything they feel, everything they experience, they are moving in another dimension, the dimension of the spirit. 3. April 2021: Silence is the expression of peace, harmony and perfection. Those who develop a love of silence, and understand that it provides them with the best conditions for psychic and spiritual activity, gradually manage to manifest it in everything they do. Instead of making a commotion when they move objects, when they talk, walk or work, they become more careful, more delicate, more fluid, and everything they do is imbued with something that seems to come from another world, a world of poetry, music, dance and inspiration. 28. March 2021: Try to understand that love is a state of consciousness. This is worth meditation on - for years even - if you want to further your evolution. As long as you do not know love as a state of consciousness, you will remain blindfolded and in darkness, never understanding what life is about. Of all the qualities that can help bring you closer to this state of consciousness, purity is the most important. Purity means thoughts and feelings that are devoid of selfishness. The three words - life, love and purity - are linked. Why? Because life depends on love, and the purer this love is, the richer, brighter, more beautiful and abundant life is. The meaning of life is to love and be loved. When your love for others is pure, you are like a fountain of life for them, just as those who love you bring life to you. 3. November 2020: Love is a cosmic energy that is spread throughout the universe. Love exists in the earth, in water and air, in the sun and the stars. It exists in stones and plants and animals, and it exists of course in human beings, but not just in them. This is why you must never feel deprived of love simply because you have not got a man or a woman to hold in your arms. It is not the body, the flesh, that can give you love, for love does not dwell there. Love can use the physical body as a medium, a vehicle, but love itself is elsewhere. Indeed it is everywhere; it is a light, a nectar, an ambrosia that fills the whole of space. 11. October 2020: As long as you think you are separate from others, you cannot really know them. In order to know people, you have to sense that they live within you. In this way there is a link between you that allows you to sense what they are experiencing. Sometimes you have no idea that the person next to your is suffering, because there is no connection between you. But look at a mother, she can sense that her child is suffering even when they are far apart, because there is a constant communication between them. You must build your lives on the idea of unity. When this idea has become the basis of your relationship with others, everything will become clearer, you will understand others better. You may even become clairvoyant. 17. September 2020: As long as human beings place all their trust in material realizations they will be disappointed because given their nature, these things do not last. So, they should set material preoccupations aside for a while and do their utmost to reach the most inaccessible Being, God Himself, or their higher Self, so that it may descend and manifest in them. Then, yes, they will experience true accomplishments, inner realizations in their consciousness that are immediate and lasting. To achieve such realizations, concentrate on a sublime ideal which you know in advance will never materialize on the physical plane. Inwardly however, you will experience this realization: you will live it in that very instant, and it will never leave you. 16. September 2020: If you succeed to give priority within you to your higher Self, then you are already participating in the cosmic work of Christ, of God Himself. Yes, this is something mysterious, an activity that takes place in another sphere, most often without our knowledge. When you are absorbed in your daily tasks, you do not know what your spirit is doing within you. One day, perhaps, once your brain has is sufficiently developed, you will become conscious of the work your spirit carries out in the universe. For the time being, it is essential to re-establish your link with it. And this is precisely what your sole concern must be during meditations: to calm the inhabitants within you in order to reunite with your higher Self, which is the quintessence of God Himself. 22. August 2020: A universal remedy exists which restores health and equilibrium to the body. This remedy is love. Life and love are linked, and in order for life to circulate in abundance, we must call on love. Yes, life is born of love. Where there is love there is life. Where love diminishes death approaches. Every religion teaches us to love the one Being who gives life. This Being who fills the universe can be found everywhere: in the earth, in plants, in water, in air, in fire, in our own bodies, in the sun and the stars, everywhere. 10. May 2019: To give and take, or to receive and give back are like the two pans of a scale. When you take or receive, you must give something in return to restore balance. And even if you are given anything, give! Why? Because that way you trigger a movement, and you receive something in return. If you really want something good to remain of your time on earth, make a habit of giving. Look at natural spring, animals come to drink there, trees and plants grov beside it, and humans build their homes nearby, because it keeps giving the pure water it receives from the summit to one and all. The spring teaches us that the only one true method for creating and sustaining life is to give, give what is best in our heart and soul. It is by becoming a spring that we obtain true wealth. We only truly possess what we are able to give. 23. February 2019: Human beings true strength does not lie in their ability to harden themselves to avoid suffering while enduring hardships. Their true strength is the ability to accept suffering with clarity and selflessness, and above all with the peace and unity of the spirit. When people suffer great hardships, the worst experience for them is to feel abandoned by everyone. And each one of us may experience this at least once in our life. But this feeling of abandonment, as painful as it may be, is necessary - it compels people to progress on the spiritual path. Then they can rise up to the truths of their soul and spirit; for them to discover what is essential. In reality, no being is abandoned in the true sense of the word. Even when we have to go through the most terrible ordeals, we are surrounded by beings of light that speak to us and watch over us. Loneliness does not exist, it is only a transient state off consciousness, and for us to go beyond this state of consciousness as quickly as possible, we must never doubt the Being who sustains all worlds. 21. February 2019: Human beings intellect is naturally inhabited by pride, and their heart is naturally quick to react with anger. Pride and anger are two violent poisons that are difficult to neutralize, and yet their antidotes do exist. The antidote to pride is humility, and the antidote to anger is gentleness. Gentlenes and humility are two virtues that make it possible to find solutions to the most difficult situations. Contrary to what many people tend to believe, those who know how to manifest these virtues are not weak. For those with a heart warmed by their soul and an intellect enlightened by their spirit, walk on the path of power. People who believe that cultivating humility and gentleness will necessarily make them slaves or victims are wrong; instead, they accumulate a supply of power that enables them to better defend themselves and gain the upper hand in the name of good. 20. February 2019: When you read a book, listen to music, or contemplate a painting or the marvels of nature, you may suddenly feel you grasped a truth that transforms your way of seeing things. This revelation can last until the next day, the day after, or even longer, because through this book, music, painting or these sights of nature, your spirit rose high and grasped meaning. It is like an element of eternity that entered you. Of course, occasionally having a moment of inspiration, receiving light or giving meaning to your life does not suffice; you must learn to make this moment last for it to become a permanent state of consciousness that purifies, brings order and restores everything in you. Even if it is impossible to escape the hardships and torments in everyday life, it is possible to maintain this meaning within you, and even use the difficulties and torments you face to strengthen it. 1. August 2018: Each day devote at least a few minutes to introducing harmony within you. Close your eyes while making an effort to free your mind of everyday worries and direct it toward the summits, toward the sources of life that flood the universe. When you feel you have stopped the flow of thoughts, feelings and images flowing through you, pronounce the words `thank you´ inwardly. These are the simplest of words, but also the most powerful - they unravel all tensions within you. When you pronounce them, you are in harmony with the divine and you come out of the narrow circle of your limited self in order to penetrate the peace of cosmic consciousness. Remain in this state as long as you can, and when you come back yo yourself, you will feel that new and very precious elements have been introduced into your being: serenity, lucidity and strength. 4. May 2018: With thought, we possess a highly effective means of action. It is far more than a simple faculty for the purpose of knowledge, understanding, and reflection; it is a magic wand, the instrument for omnipotence. To exercise the power of thought, you must first silence the discordant voices of the instincts and passions within you; free yourself from all the ordinary, trivial preoccupations that hinder it. Once you reach the point where you have your thought well under your control, you can direct it where you wish so that it may set to work: sorting out, organizing, and harmonizing the elements in and around you. You focus on an image, on a project, and your thought fetches the materials and organizes them for its realization. 2. May 2018: Humans are always ready to engage in activities that exhaust them, and they neglect the ones that could strengthen them and improve their lives: introspection, meditation, contemplation and prayer. Yet in those who practice them, these activities releases forces that can neutralize and transform any negativity - often the very cause of fatigue and illness too - received throughout the day. Spiritual activities even have a beneficial influence on your health. You can, of course, abstain from them and continue to eat, drink, sleep, move and work. But without this intense inner vibration that stimulates and vivifies, gradually even your physiological functions begin to slow down, producing deposits which overload your body with waste. So, if only to remain in good health, it is advisable to engage in a spiritual activity. 1. May 2018: You do not realize just how rich and full your life can become, but on one condition: that you learn to open yourself up, to give, to become more fraternal, and more generous. Why do you always wait for others to take the first step, to greet you and smile at you? Do not wait any longer. It is now up to you to project ever more light and love, to perfume the atmosphere around you with your emanations. Then, even the stones on the road will quiver as you pass by, and all who approach you will sense a mysterious vibration communicated to them. Humans are capable of animating and spiritualizing matter, and not just the matter of their own cells, but the whole of nature around them, even the stones. And they will succeed the day they learn how to tear particles of light and love from their heart and soul. 30. April 2018: Do not allow division to take hold within you, this state in which two contradictory thoughts of desires pull you in two directions to the point of tearing you apart. To avoid this dislocation, you must create unity within yourself. "Unity" means that all parts of the periphery are harmoniously linked to the centre, so that the balance necessary for the manifestation and the preservation of life is maintained. This unity is the law of life. Atoms, molecules, organs, limbs, individuals, communities, countries, and so on - everything - in its own way, must converge towards a centre, must link with the centre, and even must cling to it to avoid being swept away by adverse currents. Within ourselves, we may call this centre God, but it can also be a very high ideal or a vocation. Those who fail to link themselves to the centre by means of their thought, feelings and actions, create within themselves a state of division that, however fleeting, leads to disorder, conflict, and separation. 26. April 2018: In spite of everything, you must continue to believe and love. Even if people treat you badly, even if they disappoint you or mislead you, you must never lose your faith and love, because if you do, you will lose the meaning of life. Meditating on this subject by weighing the pros and cons on your spiritual scales and you will find that if you stop loving people, you let the source that flow within you dry up, and thus you punish yourself and not them. Why stop the flow of what should be eternal and inexhaustible, under the pretext that you may be disappointed, abused or misunderstood? So many saints, prophets and initiates have been persecuted, but they continue to love and believe. So, what disciple could think themselves worthy of receiving initiation if they start to not love anyone, to not trust anyone because they were deceived or wronged at times. 16. March 2018: Human beings instinctively know that if they want to win the friendship or the love of someone, they have to use pleasant words, make compliments, give presents or flatter their vanity. And in doing so, they are obviously not addressing peoples higher nature. It is their lower nature they are caressing and feeding. How can anyone then be surprised when a relationship that was born under such conditions continues amidst misunderstandings, tension and confrontation? The desire to be loved and have friends is undoubtedly sincere and commendable, but it must occur under the right conditions. If you wish to awaken in others a sincere, generous and lasting love, you must take into account their higher nature and learn to address it. To love someone is not to attract them to you under the pretext that you need them, but seeking all the time to enlighten and strengthen them. Such disinterested love, which will be so beneficial to this person, will in return bring you everything you wish for. 15. March 2018: Peoples everyday lives consist of a continous chain of activities and preoccupations which project them towards the periphery of their being. They reach the end of the day exhausted, with the feeling that instead of bringing them something constructive, these activities have drained them. Well in order to break this exhausting cycle, remember several times a day to pause and remain in silence for a few minutes - an intense silence in which your soul and spirit are able to concentrate on and address the Creator, the Source of life. By regularly exercising your faculty of concentration in this way you will succeed in escaping, for a few moments at least, the load and agitation of everyday life, and you will be better equipped to face the difficulties that await you. You will then realize how useful it is to be able to release yourself completely from your worries in order to direct your thought towards the divine world. 12. March 2018: It is a law of physics: as soon as a void appears somewhere in space, something immediately comes to fill it. This physical law also applies in psychic life. How? Oh, in many ways, but here is one: when you give, you receive. When you have just emptied your inner reserves by giving your love and good wishes to all beings, something immediately comes from on high to replenish you. Therefore, love and you will be loved. Give and you will receive. Give even when you lack and you will obtain it. If you wish to be enlightened but do not know how to attract the light, it is very simple: enlighten the person who is less enlightened than you. For at that moment, the light beings in the invisible world will come and offer you their clarity. 11. March 2018: Try to get rid of this bad habit of holding onto the memory of all that has made you suffer. So many people carry such memories around with them, scrutinize them, and mull them over. It is dangerous to return to painful events in this way. Of course I do not advise you to try to forget painful events immediately, for if they have taken place, there is a reason. We must begin by studying them well in order to draw conclusion for the future, but then we must no longer think about them. Why aggravate and prolong the ills you have suffered? Instead, try to to remember the more luminous moments of your life - reflect on how, and thanks to whom, they came about. Bring them often to your mind, exactly as you often play the music you love, and you will re-live the same sensations of purity, freedom and light. 18. February 2018: You have not yet sufficiently experienced the powers of love. Say, for example, you are worried, annoyed or unhappy; well, instead of tormenting yourself or going around complaining and bothering everone, stay still. Begin by breathing deeply and send a thought with love, then utter a word with love, make a gesture lovingly, and you begin to realize that what was fermenting and rotting within you is being pushed out and driven very far away. By calling upon love you open up a spring within you and once it has started to flow, you must let it do its work and it will purify everything in its path. It is quite easy - all you have to do is open up your heart and activate love. But you must react straight away and not wait until you are completely submerged in a state of irritation and despondency. Try it an you will wonder whay you have never used this method before. People talk about love, sing about love, laugh and play with love and so on. But we must understand that true love is the most effective means for finding salvation. 10. January 2018: Human beings cannot transform themselves if they rebel against the conditions of their life and if they seek to avoid suffering. I am not saying that you should not look for remedies to relieve your suffering. But at the current stage of development of the earth and of human evolution we cannot avoid suffering. The earth is like a reformatory and a training school at the same time. When humans know how to deal with suffering, they trigger hidden forces that becomes sources of wealth for them. Those who do everything in their power to avoid suffering remain in poverty - they are like an artist who has no paints for their paintings. On the contrary, those who have suffered can use all the pain they have experienced to give colour, relief and depth to their life. All those who have accomplished great things in their life have suffered a lot. From the black ink of their suffering, they were able to draw the most beautiful colours. 9. January 2018: Let the spring of love flow within you. Through your thoughts, your feelings, your wishes, your words, let it gush forth over all the creatures and objects around you and beyond, on the trees, the mountains, the oceans. Even if you are by yourself, remember to utter words of peace, of hope and of joy for all human beings on earth, knowing that these words will have an effect somewhere, no matter where. You do not yet know what it is possible to achieve with love. And since we can only give to others what we possess ourselves, try first to establish harmony and light within you, and then, once you feel you have succeeded in making this harmony and light real within you, in your heart and your soul, project them into space. This is what working with love is all about: becoming a beneficial presence for the entire world. 4. January 2018: True silence is not only an absence of noise, true silence is neither empty nor mute. On the contrary, true silence is plenitude, it is alive, vibrant, it talks and sings. You may wonder how you can hear this silence. You will hear it only once the big base drums - our passions, our emotions and our chaotic thoughts - stop beating within us. There is much work to do, requiring a lot of patience and mastery of our psychic life. One day, when all our inner storms have abated, silence will come and wrap us in its splendid coat. Then clarity will emerge and we will sense something very powerful reigning and presiding over the world: the great primordial silence from which creation stems and to which it will one day return. 15. March 2017: When humans beings try to resolve their differences by means of force, they can perhaps imagine, for a time, that they have succeeded, but this success will not last. When we impose constraints we always provoke the lower nature in others, the desire to resist, to retaliate, to take revenge. Constraints is felt as violence, that always incites hostility, and the result is years and decades of confrontation without ever resolving anything. The solution is to show kindness, love and humility. Of course, everything is not resolved right away, because this attitude may at first lead others to believe you are naive and weak and they make take advantage of this to continue their bad behavior. But after a while, when they see that your attitude is not directed by weakness but, on the contrary, by a great spiritual power, they eventually become more open, more conciliatory and it is then possible for you to get along. 29. October 2016: Music is a language of creation. Since the dawn of time, this language has reverberated throughout the cosmos; God`s wisdom, love and beauty manifest through it. From an initiatic point of view, music requires knowledge of the order of the world, of beings and things, and of the science of harmonic relationships which exist throughout the universe between microcosm (human beings) and macrocosm (the universe). It rests on the immutable principles which we cannot transgress without losing our way. Music speaks to us of our celestial heritage, and by acting on our subtle bodies it enables us to re-establish contact with our true home on high. 20. October 2016: We may accept hardship and understand it but at the same time experience bitterness, sadness or regret; we may think it would have been far better not to have gone through it! In that sense, you could say it is not yet over. When can we say a period of hardship is over? When we are able to be thankful for it. On the face of it, we may have nothing to show for it, or even worse still, it may have caused us to lose many things, even people dear to us. And yet, a long time after the hardship, we sense that our light, our love and our strength have increased and we are overwhelmed with peace and joy. Only then can we say we have overcome the hardship and that it is over. 17. September 2016: Once a man or a woman has truly found their soulmate, that is, has found their complementary principle within, they keep feeling they are meeting this principle in all creatures. They love all the woman and the men on earth; they love them spiritually, and they are happy, because they are fulfilled by their soulmate. They no longer experience the emptiness for which they constantly feel they have to find a cure. They feel enriched by every encounter they have. Yes, when you have achieved inner fulfillment, you find your complimentary principle in every being. Such experiences cannot be explained or expressed. Only those who have them can understand them. But what a long way there is to go until then! Always suffering and being disappointed, always looking for someone and not finding them... Until you realize you have your soulmate within. And when you do find your soulmate within, you find it everywhere. |